Monday, November 19, 2012

The infinitesimal manifestation of intelligence

I am glad to read that not everyone found Solaris completely mind blowing.  Although I am a scyfi-guy I guess I am not a scientific terminology guy.  I like Star Wars but more for the romanticism and power of the force rather than the discovery of new worlds. Similarly I enjoy Solaris and the romanticism of an intellectual eternal blog capable of creating and recreating life.  Is this Lucreation’s imagined god of the universe? Ever learning ever changing accommodating to create and experience the infinite experiences of the universe.  If its abilities were farther reaching I believe it would be his perfect god theory.  Is it that far off from the scriptures intelligent matter unorganized pooled in at once shared consciousness with the ability to experience stimulation away from the amassed consciousness. There are things which act and things which are acted upon. 

I love the power of “The Secret” even if it is only the mind focusing sharpening to gather for itself the desires it has without pulling from the universe.  I for one could you a focus that moves one to action. Is that not faith a belief in something that moves us to action.

I must say I enjoy parts of the book’s concepts like the creation of a human who cannot believe in herself simply because she believes herself not to be unique. I liked of course the idea of the ocean and the mystery of the beings created by the ocean and each person’s subconscious mind which once being objects of great emotional desire became a living horror an awful sublime!