D: No fair you run like a zorro.
H: I can’t help that you are deformed, Hueso.
D: I could catch you but the uvas are in the way
H: Yea and if you squish the grapes they will throw you in the volcán
D: There are peor things
H: Como lo que
D: Like being sent to work for the tirano
H: But then you get to see inside the casa de gran lujo
D: My dirt house is better than his prisión of a house
H: But don’t you wish you could see through the cortinilla
D: His house is my shutter it bloquear out the morning sun
H: But even the lluvia doesn’t fall around his house
D: Look at his walls blanco and plain what does his house say about him
H: That he is rico and power full
D: When his house is gone mine will be opulent, painted with the sol
H: Desconhecido, do you suppose our kids will ever know us
D: Hueso, I hope they will one day run these hills as we do and find
our bones
And in those bones I will cry out
and they will rise up and they will
harvest these grapes for themselves
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